Distribute and nurture seeds from atomic bomb survivor trees (hibaku tree)

The Secretariat distributes seeds from hibaku trees, which stand in Hiroshima and Nagasaki as silent witnesses, to member cities. Our aim is to raise public peace consciousness through citizens, so we request member cities to plant them in places where many citizens frequent, and to encourage communities to participate in the nurturing of these trees as a symbol of peace.

(Top Left)©The City of Rockingham, Australia (Top Right)©The City of Thiene, Italy
(Bottom Left)©The City of Gernika-Lumo, Spain (Center)©The City of Des Moines, US
(Bottom Right)©The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, UK

List of Recipients of Hibaku Tree Seeds/Seedlings

Distribution of Seeds/Seedlings in total:
113 cities and 4 organizations in 21 countries outside of Japan (as of May 1, 2024)

City Species Distributed Note
Agdam Ginkgo
Japanese hackberry
August 5, 2022
August 5, 2022
August 5, 2022
City Species Distributed Note
Halabja Japanese hackberry
March 18, 2022
March 18, 2022
City Species Distributed Note
Semey Ginkgo August 29, 2014 Photo
City Species Distributed Note
No Gun Ri International Peace Foundation
Ginkgo September 19, 2014 Photo
City Species Distributed Note
Brussels Japanese hackberry

June 24, 2014
February 2, 2016
June 24, 2014
February 2, 2016
Erpe-Mere Ginkgo November 7, 2019
Deinze Ginkgo November 14, 2019
Ghent Ginkgo November 5, 2019 Report
Holsbeek Ginkgo December 24, 2021
Ichtegem Ginkgo October 30, 2019
Lichtervelde Ginkgo October 30, 2019
Moorslede Ginkgo November 7, 2019
Oudenburg Ginkgo October 30, 2019
Tessenderlo Ginkgo November 7, 2019
Veurne Ginkgo October 29, 2019 Report
Ypres Camphor tree
May 5, 2012
May 5, 2012
Photo Report
Wortegem-Petegem Ginkgo November 14, 2019
City Species Distributed Note
Sarajevo Ginkgo June 28, 2014 Photo
City Species Distributed Note
Grigny Ginkgo August 9, 2019
Lasseran Ginkgo
Japanese hackberry

Kurogane holly
March 5, 2019
March 29, 2018
March 5, 2019
March 29, 2018
Malakoff Camphor tree
Japanese hackberry
May 11, 2016
May 11, 2016
May 11, 2016
Paris Ginkgo April 28, 2018 Photo
Occitanie/Pyrénées-Méditerranée (Région) Camphor tree
Japanese hackberry
December 5, 2018
December 5, 2018
December 5, 2018
Saran Camphor tree
Japanese hackberry
December 24, 2021
December 24, 2021
December 24, 2021
City Species Distributed Note
Aalen Ginkgo July 30, 2020
Bad Kreuznach Ginkgo November 19, 2019
Bernau bei Berlin Ginkgo December 24, 2021
Bonn Japanese hackberry

Kurogane holly

Muku tree
October 21, 2016
January 19, 2017
June 15, 2017
October 21, 2016
January 19, 2017
October 21, 2016
January 19, 2017
Braunschweig Ginkgo September 21, 2016 Photo
Bretten Ginkgo March 3, 2022
Brüggen Ginkgo April 20, 2023
Coesfeld Ginkgo June 4, 2019
April 9, 2021
Darmstadt Ginkgo June 15, 2023 Photo
Dortmund Ginkgo March 15, 2024
Emden Ginkgo June 8, 2020 Photo
Erfurt Ginkgo January 19, 2017
January 23, 2018
Photo Report
Gau-Algesheim Ginkgo October 29, 2020
Hannover Ginkgo December 11, 2014 Photo
Herzogenaurach Ginkgo October 29, 2020
Immenstaad am Bodensee Ginkgo January 3, 2023
Krefeld Ginkgo August 6, 2016 Photo
Künzelsau Ginkgo December 17, 2022
Langen Ginkgo July 11, 2017 Photo Report
Magdeburg Ginkgo April 14, 2023
Nettetal Ginkgo December 19, 2022
Niederkrüchten Ginkgo December 19, 2022
Rothenburg o.d.T. Ginkgo July 8, 2017 Photo
Rüsselsheim am Main Ginkgo December 24, 2021
Schwäbisch Hall Ginkgo April 22, 2022
Schwäbisch Gmünd Ginkgo February 25, 2014
Schwalmtal Ginkgo December 17, 2022
Stuttgart Ginkgo July 8, 2016 Photo
Tübingen Ginkgo August 9, 2020 Photo
City Species Distributed Note
Berceto Camellia
July 14, 2023
July 14, 2023
Cervia Ginkgo September 13, 2015 Photo
Italian Parliament Ginkgo November 14, 2017 Photo
Mirano Ginkgo April 26, 2017 Photo
Spinea Ginkgo May 17, 2017 Photo
Thiene Ginkgo
Japanese hackberry
May 11, 2016
May 11, 2016
May 11, 2016
City Species Distributed Note
Fredrikstad Ginkgo
August 3, 2015
August 3, 2015
Frogn Ginkgo June 24, 2014 Photo
Halden Ginkgo August 26, 2017 Photo Report
Kvinesdal Ginkgo August 29, 2017 Photo Report
Larvik Ginkgo May 23, 2018 Photo
Ringsaker Ginkgo August 29, 2019 Photo
Sande Ginkgo June 28, 2018 Photo
Skedsmo Ginkgo June 17, 2018 Photo
Våler Ginkgo September 17, 2020
City Species Distributed Note
Oswiecim (Auschwitz) Ginkgo August 2, 2019
City Species Distributed Note
Évora Camphor tree

Kurogane holly
May 29, 2018
September 13, 2019
May 29, 2018
September 13, 2019
City Species Distributed Note
Volgograd Ginkgo August 4, 2014
City Species Distributed Note
Radlje ob Dravi Ginkgo April 14, 2015
City Species Distributed Note
Canovelles Camphor tree September 22, 2018 Report
Gava Ginkgo September 21, 2017 Photo Report
Gernika-Lumo Ginkgo April 29, 2018 Photo
Granollers Camphor tree

May 5, 2012
May 5, 2012
March 6, 2017
June 23, 2018
May 5, 2012
Photo Report
Sant Feliu de Llobregat Ginkgo November 30, 2016 Report Report
City Species Distributed Note
Luzern Ginkgo January 21, 2015 Photo
Renens Ginkgo July 14, 2015
United Nations Office at Geneva
Ginkgo May 2, 2016
October 2016
Photo Report
City Species Distributed Note
Aberdeen Ginkgo June 30, 2015 Photo
Aberystwyth Ginkgo June 19, 2023
Cornwall Ginkgo April 9, 2021
Edinburgh Ginkgo February 3, 2015 Photo
Fife Ginkgo June 19, 2023
Glasgow Ginkgo June 19, 2023
March 18, 2024
Hastings Ginkgo June 22, 2021
Hebden Royd Ginkgo October 29, 2020 Photo
Kingston upon Hull Ginkgo May 11, 2016 Photo
Lancaster Ginkgo June 19, 2023
Lewisham Ginkgo December 30, 2022 Photo
Manchester Ginkgo August 26, 2014
October 8, 2015
Photo Report
Norwich Ginkgo June 18, 2021
Oldham Ginkgo
Japanese hackberry
March 6, 2017
March 6, 2017
March 6, 2017
Oxford Ginkgo June 19, 2023
Renfrewshire Ginkgo June 19, 2023 Photo
Rochdale Ginkgo October 29, 2020
Rotherham Ginkgo June 19, 2023
Sheffield Ginkgo March 18, 2024
Shetland Ginkgo February 3, 2015 Report
Skipton Ginkgo June 19, 2023
South Ayrshire Ginkgo May 14, 2018
Stockport Ginkgo June 19, 2023
Winchester Ginkgo June 18, 2021
March 18, 2024
City Species Distributed Note
Nova Ushytsia Ginkgo March 29, 2023 Photo
City Species Distributed Note
Albany Ginkgo September 21, 2020
Busselton Ginkgo September 21, 2020
Cockburn Ginkgo September 21, 2020
Fremantle Ginkgo July 11, 2014 Photo Report
Hobart Ginkgo September 13, 2019 Photo
Rockingham Ginkgo September 21, 2020 Photo
Subiaco Ginkgo September 21, 2020
Sydney Ginkgo December 30, 2022
City Species Distributed Note
Oak Bay Ginkgo May 11, 2016 Photo
Montreal Ginkgo August 5, 2014 Photo
City Species Distributed Note
Des Moines Ginkgo April 26, 2017 Photo
Disruptor Foundation
Japanese hackberry
April 3, 2018
April 3, 2018
April 3, 2018

Requests to Recipient Cities

Mayors for Peace asks each recipient city to accommodate the following requests:

  • 1. To raise seeds/seedlings under the care of experts, such as in botanical gardens, until they become tall and sturdy enough to be planted in the ground.
  • 2. Provide the Secretariat with updates on development of the trees at least once a year. These updates should include some information on their height, number of seedlings, growing place and a plan/report of peace activities based around them as well as their photos.

Seed Request Process

  • 1. [Recipient City] Contact the Secretariat
  •   If a member city wants to receive seeds from hibaku trees and agrees to accommodate the requests above, please contact the Secretariat by email.
  • 2. [Mayors for Peace Secretariat] Conduct preparatory research
    • a. The Secretariat researches the species of hibaku tree appropriate for the recipient city’s climate
    • b. The Secretariat confirms whether or not procedures for quarantine, export and import licenses are required by the sending country and the receiving country.
  • 3. [Mayors for Peace Secretariat] Send a questionnaire to the recipient city
  •   Based on the preparatory research in 2 – a, the Secretariat enters relevant information into the questionnaire and sends it to the recipient city. If quarantine or an import license is required by the receiving country, the Secretariat informs the recipient city of this information at this point.
  • 4. [Recipient City] Return the questionnaire
    • a. The recipient city answers the questionnaire by filling in required information, such as tree species they want to receive, intended care facility (e.g. a botanical garden), and contact information, and returns the questionnaire to the Secretariat.
    • b. In the case that a certain procedure is required by the receiving country, the recipient city should contact a domestic quarantine office for their advice on the procedure, then share this information with the Secretariat.
  • 5. [Mayors for Peace Secretariat] Send seeds
  •   Upon confirmation of the returned questionnaire and the completion of required procedure for quarantine and an import license, the Secretariat sends out seeds to the recipient city. Shipping costs are covered by the Secretariat.


When trees from the seeds become tall and sturdy enough to be planted in the ground, the Secretariat can donate an explanatory plaque. Please inform the Secretariat of plans of events involving the tree, such as a planting ceremony. A recipient city can receive one explanatory plaque for each species.

If your city wishes to receive the plaque, please let the Secretariat know by at least two months before the desired delivery date.


After a tree is planted, please submit a report along with photos to the Secretariat.

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