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Mayors for Peace France Hosts Training Session on Human Security, Memory, and Peace for Elected Officials

December, 2024[Mayors for Peace France]

Mayors for Peace UK and Ireland Chapter Calls for Peace Education

October, 2024[UK/Ireland Chapter]

French edition of Mayors for Peace News Flash (January 2025) No.181 released

January 2025

The European Chapter of Mayors for Peace Holds a Webinar on ‘Nuclear Deterrence: Threat to or Guarantee of our Security’

November, 2024[European Chapter]

The Catalan Network of Mayors for Peace Organizes a Conference on Local Peace Policies

December, 2024[Catalan Chapter]

\Announcement/ : Mayors for Peace to Host Peace Education Webinar!

February 18, 2025 (Registration for viewing is open until February 17)

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Help us achieve 10,000 member cities!

Mayors for Peace aims to expand its membership to create real momentum for the realization of a peaceful world without nuclear weapons.
Currently, the Mayors for Peace network has grown to over 8,400 member cities, but we need about 1,600 more cities to reach our target.
