Mayors for Peace Atomic Bomb Poster Exhibition

To have more people deepen the understanding of the realities of the atomic bombings and share in the wish for the abolition of nuclear weapons, we request member cities to hold the Mayors for Peace Atomic Bomb Poster Exhibition.

Posters available in: English, German, French, Russian, Dutch, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, and Japanese

Contact us

Please let our secretariat know in advance if your city plans on holding this poster exhibition.

*If you work for any organization or a non-member city of Mayors for Peace and want to use the posters, please submit the Application form (Word) and documents explaining your event (e.g. plans) to the Secretariat.

Download Posters

Click the button below, then enter the password and user ID which the Secretariat informed.

Please refrain from posting these posters online for copyright protection.


After holding the poster exhibition, please submit a report along with photos to the Secretariat.

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