Mayor of Winchester Supports Peace Event to Remember Atomic Bombings

August, 2024[Winchester, UK]

Report by Mr. Paul Williams, the City of Winchester, UK

As part of the international Mayors for Peace initiative, the Mayor of Winchester, Cllr Russell Gordon-Smith, hosted an event on August 6th to mark the 79th anniversary of the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at Abbey House, the Mayor’s official residence.

Around 40 representatives from Winchester City Council, Hampshire County Council, local community and faith organizations, and Winchester’s new MP, Danny Chambers, attended the event to remember and reflect, while also looking forward with hope.

Eleanor Bell, the founding Mayor of Winchester’s involvement in the Mayors for Peace network, and MfP coordinator Paul Williams of SGI-UK read the powerful Peace Declaration from the Mayor of Hiroshima, Kazumi Matsui. The declaration emphasized the pledge to abolish nuclear weapons and strive for lasting world peace.

Participants watched a film depicting the impact of the Hiroshima bombing, followed by a moment of silent reflection and a flute solo by Lis Lewis. Winchester City Council Leader, Cllr Martin Tod, spoke of his profound experience visiting the Peace Museum in Nagasaki.

Maurice James from the University of Winchester displayed ginkgo tree saplings grown from seeds of trees that survived the atomic bombing. These saplings will eventually be donated to local schools as focal points of peace gardens. The University is also preparing presentations about peace and hope for primary schools.

PeaceJam’s Caroline Millman and Luke Addison discussed their activities with Nobel prizewinners mentoring local youth. Nick Bell of Winchester Rotary outlined their work and plans for a Peace Pole in Winchester. Beth Flint, Chair of Winchester City of Sanctuary, shared a moving account of Britain’s openhearted welcome for people seeking sanctuary.

The meeting concluded with a joyful expression of Ukrainian culture, a poem from Julya Petruniak, and a traditional song led by Lala Smaglova. Lara Mangano led an origami peace crane workshop, ending a heartfelt meeting committed to peace-building in Winchester.

Photos: courtesy of the City of Winchester