Montreal’s City Council held a ceremony to honor the 78th year since the Hiroshima bombing.

August 5, 2023[Montreal, Canada]

Report by Mr. Arber Fetiu, the City of Montreal

In a poignant ceremony held on Saturday, August 5th, at 19:15 local time (corresponding to August 6th, 8:15 am in Hiroshima), Montreal’s City Council President, Mrs. Martine Musau Muele, joined forces with Japan’s Consul General in Montreal, Mr. Jun Saito, to honor the 78th year since the Hiroshima bombing. This heartfelt event aimed to stand in solidarity with the citizens of Hiroshima.

Montreal, a proud Vice President and Lead City of Mayors for Peace, showcased its dedication to peace as the two distinguished figures rang the resonant Hiroshima peace bell.

Notably, this year’s commemoration held added significance, aligning with the 25th anniversary of the twinning between Montreal and Hiroshima. The ceremony saw the presence of numerous dignitaries, as well as young students from Hiroshima, who attended the ceremony as part of an exploratory tour of our metropolis.

In their remarks, both President Mrs. Musau Muele and Consul General Mr. Saito stressed the vital importance of the Hiroshima commemoration, emphasizing the centrality of peace, particularly in these troubled times. Mrs. Musau Muele also acknowledged the diligent efforts undertaken by Mayors for Peace in pursuit of peace.

One minute silence
Mrs. Muele and Mr. Saito ringing the Hiroshima peace bell

Photos: courtesy of the City of Montreal