UK/Ireland Chapter Launches Petition Drive at Stockport Meeting

March 25, 2023 [UK/Ireland Chapter]

Report by Mr. Richard Outram, UK and Ireland Mayors for Peace Chapter Secretary

The UK/Ireland Mayors for Peace Chapter launched its petition drive at a recent meeting of the Stockport for Peace Group.

The Mayor of Stockport, Councilor David Wilson, was the guest of honor at the group’s Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 25 March, and the keynote speaker was UK/Ireland Chapter Secretary Richard Outram, who spoke of the history and work of Mayors for Peace and his recent visit to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Mr Outram used the occasion to promote awareness of the Mayors for Peace social media accounts and the international petition calling for a nuclear weapon free world that is sponsored by Mayors for Peace.

A lively discussion ensued about the ways in which Stockport could become more actively involved with the work of Mayors for Peace, including engaging young people in peace education and making school links with Japan. Stockport for Peace can also now begin collecting signatures on the petition on its street stalls.

Stockport has also recently applied to receive seeds from atomic bomb survivor trees (hibaku trees).

The event concluded with participants signing the petition, led by the Mayor of Stockport who signed in a personal capacity.

Photos: courtesy of Mayors for Peace UK/Ireland Chapter