Lord Mayor of Manchester holds reception for Mayors For Peace to support the call to abolish nuclear weapons

November 13, 2013 [Manchester, UK]

Group photo of some of the main VIP attendees.

The Lord Mayor of Manchester, Councillor Naeem ul Hassan, formally conferred the position of a Mayors for Peace 2020 Vision Campaign Ambassador to Mr. Salahuddin Choudhry on the 13th November.

Mr Choudhry is a former Consul General of Pakistan to the UK and has over 30 years diplomatic experience.
He was stationed in Bosnia during the civil war in the 1990s and was also in Burma / Myanmar during the campaign for more democratic rights. He is a Past Chair of the Manchester branch of Rotary International.
As a 2020 Vision Ambassador, Mr Choudhry has pledged to help Mayors for Peace develop diplomatic contacts at the United Nations and in South Asia and help in the development of events to support a UK & Ireland chapter of Mayors for Peace.

The civic reception also allowed for the Lord Mayor to receive a paper crane garland from the Greater Manchester branch of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, which had been given to them by the Gensuyiko Hiroshima group.
The event allowed Manchester to reiterate its agreement with Hiroshima to develop a national Mayors for Peace chapter and also to announce its support for the ‘Making Peace’ exhibition.This major photographic exhibition will be held in The Quays, Manchester in June 2014. Curated by the International Peace Bureau, it looks at the various ways to promote peace and justice in the world.

A satellite exhibition in Manchester city centre will commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Nobel Peace Laureate organisation, Mines Advisory Group, who have their international headquarters in Manchester.

[Further information on the Making Paece exhibition]
>Making Peace Official Website(http://makingpeace.org/en/)

Lord Mayor receiving peace cranes from Jacqui Burke, Greater

Lord Mayor gives a pack of peace cranes to Rae Street, Vice Chair

Former Lord Mayors Cllr Mark Hackett, Cllr Afzal Khan, current Lord