Report by Mr. Richard Outram, UK and Ireland Mayors for Peace Chapter Secretary
The Peace Museum is the only one of its kind in the UK. After 25 years operating in Bradford city centre and after a long period of refurbishment, the Museum reopened to the public fittingly on the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki (9 August) in new accessible premises at the iconic Salts Mill in Saltaire, West Yorkshire, a village awarded UNESCO World Heritage Status.
On 9 November, Richard was attending the first Peace History Conference held at the Museum. This continued a series of such conferences first convened by the Movement for the Abolition of War in 2007. At this all-day event, participants learned about important peace organisations and about historic peace activism.
At the close of the conference, participants were able to join curator Charlotte Houlahan on a guided tour of the exhibits. The displays include a significant number of items relating to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings, and Richard was pleased to be able to present Charlotte with a green and white Mayors for Peace banner to add to the museum’s ever-expanding collection.
Photos: courtesy of UK/Ireland Chapter