Local California Peace Groups Honor Mayors for Peace on UN International Day of Peace

September, 2024[Monterey, US]

Report by Ms. Jacqueline Cabasso, Executive Advisor for Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation

The Peace Coalition of Monterey County and the Monterey Peace and Justice Center (Central Coast of California) celebrated the United Nation’s 25th annual International Day of Peace on September 21 with a potluck dinner and video presentation highlighting Mayors for Peace. The videos shown included “Peace Declaration 2024,” Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui’s inspiring speech delivered on August 6, 2024, the 79th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Excerpts from a 2015 documentary, “Good Thinking, Those Who Worked to Halt Nuclear Weapons,” were also shown. The organizers had invited 12 Monterey County mayors, seven of whom are already members of Mayors for Peace. Three of the 12 invited mayors came: Mayor Tyller Williamson of Monterey, Mayor Mary Ann Carbone of Sand City, and Mayor Ian Oglesby, along with Mayor Pro Tem Dave Pacheco of Seaside – the newest U.S. member of Mayors for Peace. Members of the public were invited to attend and to bring a dish to share in honoring these Mayors for Peace. The venue was adorned with United Nations Association posters of children worldwide being educated about peace to echo this year’s theme, “Cultivating Peace.” About 35 people attended.

Photos: courtesy of Lynn Hamilton