Topics 2012

Hiroshima Field Trip 2012, Central Connecticut State University

2Thirteen students from Central Connecticut State University (CCSU), USA, visited Hiroshima from Friday, June 1 to Wednesday, June 6, 2012. This is the fifth trip to Hiroshima by CCSU students.

This field trip is a part of the Study Abroad program offered by CCSU, through which the participants can learn about old and new Japanese culture and peace issues during visits to Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Tokyo, and other Japanese cities.

Their activities included visits to peace related facilities and buildings exposed to the A-bomb and listening to the testimonies of an A-bomb survivor and A-bomb poems. The students learned much about the reality of the atomic bombings through such activities.

On June 3, CCSU students had a discussion with Hiroshima students from several universities. The themes of the discussion included nuclear weapons and Japan-U.S. relations. They enjoyed taking with students of the same age in a friendly environment, and could have a mutually fruitful time.

A-Bomb Survivors' Testimony

CCSU students conducted a discussion activity with students from several colleges and universities in Hiroshima.

Field work at the former Chugoku District Military Headquartes


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