Letter of Protest against subcritical nuclear test by the US issued

August 31, 2006 [To US / 22 in total]

His Excellency Mr. George W. Bush
The President
The United States of America

Letter of Protest

On August 30, the United States conducted its 23rd subcritical nuclear test at its underground nuclear test site in Nevada.

With the international community gravely concerned about and seeking a diplomatic solution to the nuclear problems presented by Iran and North Korea, this subcritical nuclear test, your second of the year, is doubly reprehensible. We fear that such actions by the US will destroy the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, the only international agreement regarding nuclear weapons, and will provoke a new round of nuclear proliferation.

Mayors for Peace, which has grown to 1,416 city members, is pursuing our 2020 Vision, an emergency campaign to ban nuclear weapons. As a part of that campaign, we are pointing to an International Court of Justice advisory opinion issued 10 years ago and clearly stating that all nations, especially the nuclear-weapon states, are under a legal obligation to negotiate in good faith to achieve the total elimination of their nuclear arsenals. Recently, we have launched a Good Faith Challenge to press for these good-faith negotiations. Subcritical nuclear tests and any other policy that runs counter to the abolition of nuclear weapons are obvious violations of this good-faith requirement. We are outraged by this trampling on the wishes of the A-bomb survivors and people worldwide, who wish to be rid of such weapons. On behalf of the 1,416 cities in 120 countries and territories that are members of Mayors for Peace, we vehemently protest.

You claim that subcritical nuclear tests are necessary for the reliability and safety of your nuclear weapons, and you claim to be abiding by the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). However, if you respect the CTBT at all, you should immediately ratify it. We believe that all testing serves the development of new weapons and violates the spirit of the CTBT. We demand that you listen conscientiously to the overwhelming majority of the world’s people, who favor the abolition of nuclear weapons; that you immediately halt all nuclear testing, including subcritical testing; and that you take the lead in bringing to a successful conclusion good-faith negotiations for nuclear disarmament.

August 31, 2006

The Conference of Mayors for Peace

Tadatoshi Akiba   President   Mayor of Hiroshima  
Iccho Itoh   Vice President   Mayor of Nagasaki  
Herbert Schmalstieg   Vice President   Mayor of Hannover  
Catherine Margate   Vice President   Mayor of Malakoff  
Glyn Evans   Vice President   Deputy Mayor of Manchester  
Jaime R. Fresnedi   Vice President   Mayor of Muntinlupa  
Eugeny P. Ishuchenko   Vice President   Mayor of Volgograd  
Donald L. Plusquellic   Vice President   Mayor of Akron  
Garry Moore   Vice President   Mayor of Christchurch  
Leonardo Domenici   Vice President   Mayor of Florence  
Patrik Vankrunkelsven   Vice President   Mayor of Laakdal