Topics 2023

Hiroshima Peace Study Field Trip of Hiroshima Cosmopolitan University (Japan) 2023

On June 24(Sat), students in the Department of Child Education and the Department of Nursing of Hiroshima Cosmopolitan University learned about peace as the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Peace Study Course. They visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, the National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims, and Peace Memorial Park. Also, they listened to testimonies of atomic bomb survivors.

By learning proactively, they deepened their understanding about the realities of the atomic bombing. Specifically, they tried to better understand about their own themes they had set in the park and the museums. In addition, after listening to testimonies, they asked the survivors about the situations at the time of the bombing and exchanged opinions actively.

It became a meaningful day for the students who mainly pursue educational or nursing careers.

Guided tour of Monuments
in Peace Memorial Park

Testimony by an atomic bomb survivor


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